Photography | Teen Ink


May 12, 2011
By Smidgen51 BRONZE, Hayden, Idaho
Smidgen51 BRONZE, Hayden, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

awake, awake.
primped and prepped.
the Client put on
fresh pressed Clothes.

makeup Covered the scars of life,
so nobody Could see
the shadows of regret.
hidden beneath the eyes of one
who'd made a few mistakes.

the sun was up.
the shot lined up.
the Camera was ready to go.

the Client smiled at
what they didn't know.
the Camera flashed and Clicked.

it's gone.

silent death.

The author's comments:
i wrote this poem in an effort to depict how quickly life can vanish- often, at the most unexpected moments. through our lives, we gather many unwanted regrets. these moments are captured in a mental photo album, one that we cannot erase. it consists of mistakes and memories from our past. life is to short to let go. we must Cherish it.

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