Reflections | Teen Ink


May 8, 2011
By Killswitch SILVER, Hooversville, Pennsylvania
Killswitch SILVER, Hooversville, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I sit along daybreak,
eyes daze into the future,
while I reside to the past of the rising sun.
What could become of this day?

Stones skip towards the horizon,
smearing and fading to a mahogany sky.
Ripples skit across the gleaming water top,
seducing my mind to the memories of childhood dream.

Laughter entwines with happiness,
as old companions appear from hollow visions.
Disturbed water greets my tiresome feet,
followed closely by a bombardment of freezing reality.

A hazy sunset accompanies my awakening,
while clarity overwhelms the inside of my heart,
as I grasp the gritty pebble resting upon my palm.

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