Scars | Teen Ink


April 19, 2011
By DarlinSammi PLATINUM, Decatur, Illinois
DarlinSammi PLATINUM, Decatur, Illinois
21 articles 1 photo 15 comments

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I\'m a little bit loud and I\'m a little bit of crazy but atleast I\'m entertaining.

you closed my open cuts,
and stopped the bleeding.
when he seemed oblivious to me
you saw me.
you offered me your hand.
I was scared to let you stay,
but I took a chance.
I walked hand in hand with you.
i never bothered to look at what you had fixed.
just ignored the throbbing pain when it would start.
now I see my cuts are still open,
I'm still bleeding.
I know you never fixed me,
you only covered it all up,
and took this horrible pain away.
you kept my thoughts from wandering back to him,
you replaced him in my dreams.
now you avoid me, why?
do you see me now at my worst?
and assume I'm this way because of you?
you are wrong.
he caused this, and walked away.
he avoids me for fear of hurting me,
but I need him to pick me up,
to stop my bleeding and heal my cuts.
I sit and watch the world around me.
I slowly die surrounded by my own blood,
as you both continue to walk away from me.
I see him look over his shoulder at me,
but he never stops and turns back to me

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