Day Break | Teen Ink

Day Break

May 3, 2011
By d1519 BRONZE, Wild Rose, Wisconsin
d1519 BRONZE, Wild Rose, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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i asked you if i was pretty, u said no. i asked u if i was fat, you said yes of course. i asked if you wanted to be w/ me forever you said no. i asked u if u would cry if i walked away u said no i had heard to much and needed to leave and as i ...

one morning to waste,
one day to go through
one merical to wait for
who knows
when we will see you
we all miss you so
not one day goes by
we don't think about you
whether in school
or at home
literature will never be the same
so at day break we think of you
the way you taught
you you spoke
and how you cared
for each and everyone of us

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