Sister Dearest | Teen Ink

Sister Dearest

May 2, 2011
By aemiller12 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
aemiller12 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tell them.
Give all of my secrets away, as you always do.
I see you
sneering at me across the dark hallway.
Grinning and pointing in my direction,
your bitterness manipulating each of your actions.

My chest swells,
my face reddens.
I try to
escape from your clutches,
but Tyrannosaurus Rex is a strong predator.
Wherever I go, you stalk and pursue me.
Making time to degrade me, time to
remind me of my little significance in this emptiness.

Your incisiform canines
cut straight through me
with each word you speak.
You frankly remind me,
who is smarter,
who is stronger,
and who is prettier,
as you critically analyze me,
trying to uncover something of merit.

You slowly approach me,
your flaxen hair frayed, your breathing
staggered, your body
worn from the hunt.
Your vomit tinted irises stare
directly into mine,
each window allowing me a glance of your indignant soul.
Cornered now,
you whisper in your most patronizing voice,
“I win.”

The author's comments:
I love my sister but like all sisters we fight. This is a representation of the relationships that sisters have, that is often ignored.

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