A World Without Dreams | Teen Ink

A World Without Dreams

April 10, 2011
By bsculls BRONZE, Leesburg, Virginia
bsculls BRONZE, Leesburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness, it invades the soul.



Beneath thy bones.

Mercenaries of Doubt, Failure, Demise

Seem to permeate the mind.

Twisting, crushing, ready to abate

All thy dreams and hopeful fate.

Overcoming the distant light,

Now dull and faint that once was bright

A flicker, a spark, then nothing at all

It is the death of a dream that once consumed us all

The author's comments:
I hope this poem hurts the soul, and inspires people to never give up on their dreams. I think that life is all about taking chances, and if we lived in a world without dreams, and succumbed to the temptation of failure, it would be a terrible place to live, don't you think?

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