Thoughts | Teen Ink


April 28, 2011
By sunnydsgirl BRONZE, Lake Arial, Pennsylvania
sunnydsgirl BRONZE, Lake Arial, Pennsylvania
4 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out...well, then it's not the end.

Pain, hurt, confusion, anger.
Pour it out on the page in words.
Twisted, curled, black, torn.
Empty place I never recognized.
Ripped, blank, hole, sick
What exactly happened?
Words, overload, cramped, scream.
I wouldn't have ever imagined it this way.
Memories, stories, fun, excitment.
I thought it was forever.
Mistake, loss, falling, nightmare.
I saw this in my dreams once.
Blood, red, scars, mind.
Screaming my way out of it all.
Mess, spill, clean, slip.
Why did you have to leave?
Arms, cling, hope, none
I wanted to be held n loved.
Never, forever, all, future
My pain isn't explained at all.
Less, cold, more, hate
You're an idiot.
Stupid, nerd, dork, baby
I'm a nobody.
Thoughts, choke, wrentch, ache.
Rip myself up inside.
Tears, hot, fresh, deep
It's the only sharp feeling I feel anymore....

The author's comments:
Going through the break-up of my first (and only) boyfriend, I couldn't do much more then write, since I felt so many things. With the rest of the changes going on through my life, it felt just like one more stab to the chest. Fortunately, writing, dancing, friends and a lot of prayer comforted me during that hard time where it seemed whatever could go wrong, did, and whatever didn't, was slowly going wrong.

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