Another Kind of Twinkle | Teen Ink

Another Kind of Twinkle

April 27, 2011
By Gel1411234 SILVER, Brighton, Michigan
Gel1411234 SILVER, Brighton, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your in a hole... Stop digging!

Stars twinkle above the treetops,
Pearlescent moon looks down upon me—
the stubby grass tickles my toes and stains my knees.

the air remains warm, and humid
As it huddles around my figure

I pluck a dandelion out of the earth,
Making a wish I flutter my eyes to a close
Small, dainty puffs of white float lazily to reality

Some call it fantasy, but it is my life—

My eyes soak in my surroundings
I love the way:
my senses kick in,
Able to absorb all that happens in time.
The way the air is, just there without needing to be asked

The world needs to be loved, and cared for
Take time to see the many wonders of the world.

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