Mind Over Matter | Teen Ink

Mind Over Matter

April 17, 2011
By machifruits SILVER, Los Angeles, California
machifruits SILVER, Los Angeles, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hey, can I ask you something? Would you mind? Well, that doesn’t matter. And no, I don’t want you to put your mind over that which I think matters, because in my mind what I’m about to ask matters a lot more than convoluted crannies or uncertain possibilities, or the things you think are going to amass on your plate as a result of this open mouth and all of its close proximity.
And no, I do not mean vomit, so get your mind out of the gutter, I mean the words (which some might characterize as word-vomit) that I want to spread out in front of you, because you can dish it but I seriously doubt your ability to take it.
before we get off track, and we both know that this broken record has been playing a little longer than either of us would like, let me get back to the point, no, not the exclamation point, not the power point, because this is not about power and i’m not pointing any fingers at you.
i guess what i’m trying to say is, i wouldn’t want you to put mind over matter, anyway, because this isn’t about a piece of paper, or physics, or rocket science, it’s about something i can’t touch any more than mc hammer can, so let’s put all expectations of cold-hard facts in that other kind of can, the kind that stores banana peels and crumpled up bags and paper shavings, along with 1-2-3 days of ranting and raving, incessantly craving, wishing someone else were here to do the saving.
sorry, but i had to get the point across somehow, that even if you mind, it doesn’t matter, because right now you’re in possession of a few illusions i’d like to shatter. 

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