Appease | Teen Ink


April 1, 2011
By LydiaR. SILVER, Norwood, Massachusetts
LydiaR. SILVER, Norwood, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pressure got to me
it hit me until I was on my knees
bowing down to appease.
I became enslaved.
Whiped until I bled.
Straved until I could no longer move.

The pressure set into my bones
like stink of a skunk.
Only no tomato juice will set this out.
Age done not'in but cage.
Enrage enlargins the fury.

Appease thy world
appease thy parent
appease thy elders
appease all but thy self.

The pressure crimples me
the pressence of an old lady
im no longer my self.

Broken and tired
of being what they want
appease all but myself.

I think not.

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