Because you're worth it in the end<3 | Teen Ink

Because you're worth it in the end<3

February 9, 2011
By GotBri BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
GotBri BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
beauty is only in eye of the beholder

These mountains between us

Get harder to cross them everyday

We grow weak

Our pain increases

The only thing that keeps me pushing

through this tough terrain

is knowing when i get through

you'll be waiting for me

through my struggles, my battles, and my tears

i always thought of you're face lighting up every room you entered

you're breathtaking smile

to help me through

on this heartbreaking journey

I've learned many things

I'm not going to let this dry desert

keep me from you

I'll swI'm these oceans to get to you

my love

through out the years

i don't get to see you

i keep pushing hard

i know this suffering now

is worth it

it's worth getting to taste those lips again

to get lost in those beautiful deep brown eyes

to hear you say those three words

that mean to most to me

the day i get to hold you in my arms

and tell you how much i adore you

the most ideal day in the world

and one day


I'll make sure it happens with you

I've learned my love for you

is a struggling journey

starting at forever

and ending at never

one that I'm willing to hurt over

for that day i get to say

I do

a minute with you

is worth more then a lifetI'me

with someone else

your voice makes me weak

your smile makes me melt

i miss having our hands

intertwined together

your hoodie wrapped around me

when I'm cold

i deal with the loneliness now

because to me

you're worth it in the end &lt;3

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