Distance. | Teen Ink


February 2, 2011
By Benji BRONZE, Riverbank, California
Benji BRONZE, Riverbank, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Time can only fade away,

these feelings that I have today.

The feeling of being depressed,

and making my life just one big mess.

The only thing that keeps me sane,

is reminiscing through the pain.

Remembering what we had before,

and hope that it will occur once more.

I have told you time and time again,

that my feelings for you are not a trend.

It isn't just a phase I'm going through,

it is the love I have for you.

Distance has killed our relationship,

but when something is broken it can be fixed.

I honestly don't know what else to say,

but I still don't want you to walk away.

I know we have a life that is rough,

but what does not kill us will make us buff.

I am tired of writing all these depressing things,

and expressing all these negative feelings.

I want to talk about our your smile,

and how it makes me feel good for a while.

I want to talk about our life,

and the thoughts we share about you being my wife.

I hate being so far away,

but I have to deal with it each day.

Every couple needs their space,

so we can't let this be a waste.

If you feel the way I do,

then I am willing to fight for you.

I know sometimes you seem unsure,

and what I say looks like a blur.

But one thing I want you to keep in mind,

is that all my love has yet to unwind.

Just because of this distance,

does not mean we have to settle for less.

Instead lets fight for something much more,

and make each other happier than ever before.

I don't want the miles apart,

to tear me from your lovely heart.

I want you to love me so,

and tell me that you will never let me go.

If I could, I'd go to in an instant,

but it's hard with all this distance.

The author's comments:
I was feeling all sorts of emotions when I wrote this.

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This article has 3 comments.

kayahart716 said...
on Feb. 22 2011 at 11:31 pm
this is so amazing ben way to go kid i absolutely get it 100% kinda the story of my life right now.

AlyssaLane said...
on Feb. 22 2011 at 11:29 pm
This is really good Benn(:

on Feb. 22 2011 at 11:00 pm
I looooov it benji.. my lil brother is doing big things.. it made me get tiry eyed.. im so proud of u.. lov u