Why'd you go to College | Teen Ink

Why'd you go to College

January 26, 2011
By DJonezzz BRONZE, Madisonville, Louisiana
DJonezzz BRONZE, Madisonville, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why'd you go to college?
Why did you go?
And where is that $20 you still owe?
Story after story
They never seem to bore me

When I thought I was adopted, you told me it was true
But the truth is, I still manna be like you
I love it when you sing and make up songs
I could sit and chill with you all night long
The parents hate it when you don’t visit when its sunny
But dad still gives you all his money
They think bad grades come from excessive parties
But I still think you’re a smartie
You used to live downstairs everyday
But then you had to pack up and go away
You come home then leave again
But I'm glad we're still friends
You’re the best brother
I swear, I would never ask for another

The author's comments:
This poem is pretty self explanatory. I miss my brother a lot.

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