The Little Girl Lost It | Teen Ink

The Little Girl Lost It

January 27, 2011
By Fran94 SILVER, Hayward, California
Fran94 SILVER, Hayward, California
8 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you are content with being yourself and never compete or compare, everyone will respect you."

… She lost it.
She could tell it didn’t like to wait one bit.

The Little Girl thought it would be here.
However, it wasn’t there.
The Little Girl believed that it knew it was dear.
However, she could feel an angry stare.

She traced everything it did and saw.
It painted the walls with the colors of sadness and insanity.
It made the trees outside leafless and raw.
She noticed the crumpled note on the vanity.

She traced the footprints of it like tracing a sound to its source.
What was its course?

The Little Girl came at a dead end.
The footprints disappeared like a fast-moving car.
She noticed it took its living stipend.
Did it try to make the loneliness go away by wishing on a star?

The Little Girl sat on an old rocking chair the color of emeralds.
She remembers that she told it that she loved it.
She cups her hands as if she wants something.
Her tears fall into her hands as its disappearance haunts her.

The Little Girl promises to find it.
She is determined to find The Doll quick.

The author's comments:
This poem is part of a series of narrative poems about Teddy Bear and The Doll. Enjoy!

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