Shadows of Time | Teen Ink

Shadows of Time

January 25, 2011
By LaceeValenzuela BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
LaceeValenzuela BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eastern rays brightly shine their colorful shades and hues across the morning skies
Painting canvases magnificent and succulent for all to see
Amidst the ground beneath appear shapes
Distant yet distinct, plastered amongst our feet are shadows that cast themselves longly and obscurely
Mirrors to encounters of the past
Journeys of times ever last
Stories worth being sought after are now told
Desires of the heart, paths, choices, decisions, and promises are now to withhold
Echoes of time are now beckoning
Destiny lingers against the heat of our flesh
The time to embrace life is now!
Run with the wind, not against it
Soar high to the tops of mountains, but not lower than the valley itself
Stretch beyond limits that won’t grow
Priorities are now in motion and set
Time is of the Essence, the future is near
Wisely choose the journey you take; for it is now here!

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