Stolen. | Teen Ink


January 12, 2011
By Yutoma BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
Yutoma BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You took something from me
Something I needed
It was a part of me and my dignity
You should know how bad you hurt me
These pains wont go away so easily
Everytime I try to remember my heart starts to hurt
How could you take it from me?
You had no right to
I wanted to get my rights
But I didn't want to fight
I let it go becasue I was very scared
So I backed away from the tense air
I tried to breathe in and out
It didn't work at all
So I broke down and started to cry
I wanted to remember why and how it happened but my mind wouldn't let me
It was protecting me from my scar-filled memories

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