Portrait in Three Tiny Toddlers | Teen Ink

Portrait in Three Tiny Toddlers

January 12, 2011
By poet4 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
poet4 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tiny toddler at the birthday party
dressed in her matching, color coordinated shirt and stretchy pants,
skipping around
her eyes as big as clementines
as she absorbs the unfamiliar faces
and the big, unusual balloons.
Curiosity oozes from her imagination filled mind,
as she looks up and asks,
“What do those do?
May I have one?”

Tiny toddler sitting in church,
Hidden in a one piece leotard and a fuzzy zip up jacket,
complemented by a blue knit hat and matching slippers.
Small as a seed,
he sits silently, innocently,
his eyelids gradually slouching closed,
as the whole mass goes by with no one noticing he is there.
He says nothing, besides his spontaneous,

Tiny toddler at the grocery store,
wearing a superhero t-shirt,
with grass-stained jeans
and a pair of little size 8, untied gym shoes.
His uncombed hair flails every which way like a messy bird nest
as he runs around, wildly knocking food off the shelves
and begging mommy for candy bars and fruit snacks.
Obnoxiously, he thrusts a box of cookies up
and shouts,
“I want these NOOOWWWW!”

I am all of them. They find me as I go.
We are a breed.
We love attention
and seek comfort from our parents.
We eat, sleep, play,
and we need unconditional love.
We are messy and mischievous
and we have unlimited curiosity.
We despise vegetables
We like to nap
We like bedtime stories
and we are full of surprises!

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