Love, Spurned at the Sockhop | Teen Ink

Love, Spurned at the Sockhop

December 29, 2010
By Kasiemobi Udo-okoye GOLD, Oakland, California
Kasiemobi Udo-okoye GOLD, Oakland, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm a pretty little chicky in a peach cardigan, and my song goes a little like this:

Do the shimmy, do the twist,
What a coincidence meeting like this.
Bee-bop, shoo-wop, dee-dop-a-dee,
It's fine that you refuse to talk to me
Golly, gee, isn't it swell
That you made my life a living hell?
Skee-bop, doo-wop, dee-dop-a-day.
So what if you threw my love away?
Oh mercy my, heavens above,
I guess you only knew how to hurt me with my love.
And golly-wolly, gee-whiz,
I guess you don't know what deoderant is.
Bee-bop, shoo-wop, dee-dop-a-dee,
You shouldn't be alone with me.
Shake like a malted milk, float like a dream,
There is really no point in trying to scream.
Swing, swap, slide, swoon,
I'm sure the police will find your body soon.

I'm a pretty little chicky in an orange jumpsuit, and my song went a little like that.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by the daintiness/innocence/violence phenomenon present in the personalities of movie femme fatales

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