Past Love | Teen Ink

Past Love

December 8, 2010
By osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
osvaldo BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Im scared to lose love, but im even more scared to love again" - wale

For the girl that I once had.
Who showed me amazing things showed me
How to care and taught me good from bad.
All those tears I shed for you,
Hoping one day you would come through.
Remember all those memories we share?
Looking in your eyes so
beautiful each glare.
For every tear that fell it’s like misery
Without the spell.
Wonder if I wouldn’t have got jealous?
What would I be doing with you right
Now oh lord I pray to you
Our time is precious.
For all those times you showed
Me what true love meant.
And showed me that you wanted to be my wife
In those texts’ that you sent.
For those times you “fought” your mom
For out LOVE.
I know one day things will work out,
Good is looking at us from ABOVE.
I feel pain I feel sorrow…
I see no laughter I see no smiles,
If you not content with me
Today... Tomorrow??...
But if you look beyond the anger
There is still a love that you can feel all over.
I would forget you quicker but,
Instead the yearning for you grows stronger
Every memory seems like a small reminder
That this love for you will have me forever.
All I need is time and patience.
God is the therapist and I am the patient.
I’m blinded by the things I do,
And the things,
I see.
All I want is to be
Next to you,
Hug you,
So set me free.

The author's comments:
this is just a poem about someone who i loved dearly and cared about so much.
we still keep in touch but its not the same, jealousy really does ruin realationships.
when i wrote this poem a while back i was able to esxpress my feelings towards her.
her name was Maddy.
so yea ..

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