Bitter and Sweet Meet | Teen Ink

Bitter and Sweet Meet

December 4, 2010
By Pequa29 BRONZE, Massapequa Park, New York
Pequa29 BRONZE, Massapequa Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Battling back tears
I retract my hand in complete disbelief
Overwhelmed by the severity of this dream-like scene.
My family is immediately thrown in a sudden state of grief
The childhood I had once known would never yet again be serene.
A seven year old’s world had now been flipped upside down
With just his eyes holding back floods of tears so he would not drown.

So long ago this was only a burden
A legitimate reason to explain instantaneous bursts of frustration
Caressed until the insulin brought me back to a state of ease and tranquility.
But now, though not ready to cut my affiliation
It is time for me to distinguish myself from this inhibiting medical entity.
I have wasted too many days in self-pity and self-disgust
And have realized now a thought that is rather robust.

Emotional highs and lows have given me a voice
Skin left thickened through thorough use of the lancet
Has turned an innocent boy of seven into a respectable, tough, young adult.
To those whom I have not had the honor to have met,
Be quick to show appreciation of loved ones in pure exult.
Life is like a difficult race--
Just keep trudging on and it shall bring pure grace.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to do this piece is how when I first became a Diabetic, I was convinced my life was ruined. As I got older, I realized it actually changed me for the better. The disease has made me a more responsible and sympathetic person. A tremendous part of this process was how my family took care of me throughout all the highs and lows. The two things I want people to get from reading this poem is to one, look at your disease not just as a burden, but an opportunity to grow as a person. And second, I want the reader to love and thank their family.

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