This Day, Our Love, Forever | Teen Ink

This Day, Our Love, Forever

November 21, 2010
By Kathryn_Greene BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
Kathryn_Greene BRONZE, Yuma, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye only serves to make the whole world blind."

Beneath the willow tree
Where we sat in sweet surrender,
He played a tune of frightful joy
Though it tore my heart assunder.

As the say was laughed away,
Still sweet, the soft November,
His song stayed strong, his song stayed true,
As ne're did he blunder.

Just as the sun began to fall,
Though the clouds did thunder,
Unless the sky would choose to weep,
This day, our love, forever.

The author's comments:
Although this was, again, a work for an english assignment, a great bit of someone very close to my heart is in here. He inspires me every day to be a better person and love with all my heart.
This day, our love, forever.

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