Holding On | Teen Ink

Holding On

November 14, 2010
By Anonymous

I'm so close to falling.
The edge is under my feet.
I feel the wind blowing my hair.
Gently pushing me forward.
I see the tears fall.
The sobs start rocking me again.
I've missed you so much.
I've thought about you every night.
What happened between us?
What tore us apart?
Why did you break my heart?
I saw you yesterday.
It was the first time in weeks.
You glanced at me and stared.
Gave me the worst possible look and walked away.
I could hear my heart shatter.
I could feel the pieces stabbing my other vital organs.
I thought about what it would be like to bleed to death.
What it would be like to not exist.
I tried to run.
To get as far away from you to see if my pain would stop.
But it's only intensified with the distance.
I long for you.
But I can never go back.
I try healing my wounds.
But it's going to take time.
I'm trying to keep going.
But I don't know if I can.
Every thought of you brings me tears.
Every tear I shed reminds me of the past.
The past makes me break down.
But I am trying.
I'm trying to survive.
I'm trying to hold on.
To keep what's left of me from shattering.
I don't know if I'll succeed but I'll do my best to.

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