Unknown Solider | Teen Ink

Unknown Solider

November 12, 2010
By XhereXforXtomorrowX BRONZE, New Tripoli, Pennsylvania
XhereXforXtomorrowX BRONZE, New Tripoli, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wake up and live. -Bob Marley

I am not the first.
I won't be the last.

Here I lie
In the desert sand
Dyed a sick red from my own blood.

Time has ceased to exist.

I am numb,
In fear
And in pain.

How could one bullet
Hurt so much?

I never thought,
I could never imagine,
That it could ever end this way.
So far from
My home
My family
My friends.
So far from everything I hold dear.

I am not the first to die in this desert land.
And I am certain I will not be the last.

The author's comments:
Make love not war.

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