Trusting My Falling (Head Over Heels) | Teen Ink

Trusting My Falling (Head Over Heels)

November 9, 2010
By Anonymous

Love has never been this easy, and to say the least, I’m terribly frightened of you, because I’ve never let anyone close, and you so close that you could break me, and love is about trust, but how can I trust you, when I don’t even know, if I trust myself?

My trust is fragile, like glass or the thin ice that you break open, when you don’t even notice its there, and you try to skate a crossed and suddenly find yourself drowning, when you never wanted to swim in the first place.

But you’re strong, and you keep my smiling, my heart is high above the clouds, and the stars are shining down, the clouds are opening my heart and maybe, just maybe, your breaking down my walls and rebuilding them, with your arms holding them up, and maybe I do trust you, because I’ve got no fear of falling, and if I did, I’ve got a suspicion that you’d be there, falling along with me.

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