Your life is on the line | Teen Ink

Your life is on the line

October 15, 2010
By J.Kelz SILVER, Barboursville, Virginia
J.Kelz SILVER, Barboursville, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont let the Daily Progress only be in a newspaper,but also in our lives as well"

Live is lived in a straight line,
theres a beginning and an end;
just like a movie,you are the
star of your show,millions of
actors are in your life,playing
a part,good or bad,pending you
to make up for your past errors
and mistakes,because theres no
rewinding,theres no magic tricks,
no redo's or do overs; Life is
being taped right as we speak and
think, and you cant go back and
fix yesterday; what you've done is permanent, and inside God's record books; you play this out until the star is no longer shining, no longer living, and then theres no karma or just turning the page...

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