Slip Away | Teen Ink

Slip Away

October 2, 2010
By XSlippdAwayX SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
XSlippdAwayX SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.

Let me slip away into my own imaginary world,
With love, happiness, and excitement.
Where I am above everyone, and you are beneath me.
And the blood on my wrist is just my mind playing with me,
This life was just a bad dream, an unpredictable nightmare.

Take me to that place,
I need something, anything other than the slump I’m in.
Where my mind will heal and I can be in peace with myself.
A fantasy land that gives me the things I need to thrive and strive for,
Not bring me down lower, losing my determination.

Take me to the place where I don’t have to please anyone,
This is for my own satisfaction.
Where all of my questions are answered,
And my sins and mistakes are washed away in a river.
A land where I forget the bad and look forward to the good.

Give me the premonition of good and harmony with the demons I face.
Where things will work on my time and accidents are meant to happen.
A place where at last I can see that light in the never ending tunnel.
And finally I reach out to it,
How beautiful it is.

The author's comments:
This was way back whe issues were going on and wanted something optimistic in life...

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