Taming the Backyard Wild | Teen Ink

Taming the Backyard Wild

October 7, 2010
By Tristan McCutcheon BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Tristan McCutcheon BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To my Mom

I am three years old, its a new town
everything’s huge and unknown
its time for some adventures
many new trees to climb
many new dangers to find
my brother the guinea pig
always the first one going...

and up...

and up...
then a tempting ancient gnarled beast.
looks a little dangerous
time to send my brother up
and he goes

and up...

and up...
suddenly SNAP!

and down...

and down...
he falls...

he returns a day later unscathed except for a few bruises.
Telling stories of neck-braces and hospital beds. Whatever those are.

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