What is a Dream..? | Teen Ink

What is a Dream..?

September 28, 2010
By J.Kelz SILVER, Barboursville, Virginia
J.Kelz SILVER, Barboursville, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dont let the Daily Progress only be in a newspaper,but also in our lives as well"

What is a dream? its an unlimited imagination of reality beyond the mind,body and soul.Reality that you can only see with your eyes closed, but your heart wide open;
So in that world,your greatest blessings and fears come to life...your role in this world is limitless and leaves mysteries and wonders to be discovered,but yet kept secret from reality; dreams are not fantasies, but yet visions and de'ja'vus of what happens in the heart and mind, but you will never phyiscally be able to grasp it, but you feel it pulling onto you; your mind starts to yearn and moan, but yet silent. you don't move, but you're running...your mind is running, running past the atmosphere where there is no gravity, so you start to float, leaving reality's worries behind you that's been holding you down like a burden... so i again ask, "what is a dream"? dreams are weightless thoughts of life that can carry you through time...

The author's comments:
A little something to think about..something we all times may at one point think to ask ourselves when we wake up

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