Broken | Teen Ink


September 29, 2010
By lizzikm GOLD, Rochester, New York
lizzikm GOLD, Rochester, New York
15 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You get ideas from daydreaming, you get ideas from being bored. The only differences between writers and other people is that we realize when we're doing it.

When I see you I smile.
Its like a trigger through my nerves.
I'm scared to death,
To the point where I'm practically shaking.
But the smile is still instinct.

When I see you I want to say it.
Want to let you know,
Without fear.
I only wish I could.

You move so easily.
Not even knowing how much
My sanity lies in your hands. (Not that its here much anyways.)
You talk and you laugh,
Barely even glance in my direction.

But I still gaze,
Hoping our eyes will lock.
And I can tell you all though a look.
But only subtly.
I cannot make it to obvious.
I cannot let on how broken you can make me.
I cannot let on how broken I already am.

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