The Message | Teen Ink

The Message

September 13, 2010
By Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Mr.Russell27 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Being me is a gift and a curse because even though I'm the best they wish me the worst.

Eyes open,
attention is drawn close,
how can anything attract so much focus,
to the point where a blur is all you see of you surroundings,
except that thing that caught your eye so clear it's astounding,
what if this particular thing was a goal or something,
and the only thing keeping you from your goal is nothing,
you'd probably take a breath and just break right for it,
but instead you ingnore it and wander like a tourist,
because someone threw something at you and you chose to explore it,
now you see more clearer but you goal isn't as vivid though,
life will make you blink and open your eyes to some new things,
next thing you know your mind is tied up like shoe strings,
so much thrown at you, you don't know what to catch,
and then you focus in on one and bye bye goes the rest,
see no one can tell me I caught the wrong one this is my life,
so when it's in the air you might need a helping hand and a map,
because most opportunities don't just land in your lap,
you might want to move back and make a few things blurry,
and know that life's about who makes it now about who makes it in a hurry,
if ever there was a distraction then learn to forget it,
because it can come back to haunt you especially if you let it,
once you're past all the obstacles you'll feel set free, but more importantl respected,
I'm hoping that everybody gets the message.

The author's comments:
A lot of distractions come with the college life but you have to keep your goal clear in your mind and remain focused.

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