The Fading Summer | Teen Ink

The Fading Summer

August 7, 2010
By Rebecca Neff BRONZE, Girard, Ohio
Rebecca Neff BRONZE, Girard, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My world seems empty now.
The tire swing where we spent
our summer days, seems dead.
As if the day you left, all
the happiness was sucked away.

The leaves that we had once
danced under in the moonlight,
have fallen.
the birds, that which their
songs we would sing along
with in the morning, have
flown away, never to return

My fears that you would
someday leave are closing
in around me, drowning
me in their darkness.
Its harder to breathe
now that I am alone.
the days grow dark
and long.

People say that when
someone you love…leaves,
that it hurts

But no one said it
would hurt this bad.
But each new day,
I hold my breath and
wish that this heart
may one day mend.

The author's comments:
When my aunt died, this poem was a way for me to cope while also inspiring my writing.

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