Everything is old | Teen Ink

Everything is old

July 17, 2010
By braunpri BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
braunpri BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Time is a matter of fact and when it is gone it will never come back"

Places where no one else can go
Feelings that hung about my soul
Where do all these echoes tend to go?
Deep inside the skeletons of my skull

This existence is growing pretty old
I don’t enjoy the same things anymore,
Like your broken beer bottles laying on the ground
Going to a park and making loud noises, loud sounds.

Violence and madness taking of my veins
Somewhat calm when it rains.
People that help me
Shelter me, from the absolute pain
Still all I can do is feel insane.

No one can go the full distance into my soul
Jagged and a mess
Where the skeletons rest
All of this is growing pretty old
I don’t care for the same things anymore

Goodbye for now
For now till then
Sometimes my release is all I can send
Everything I have wasted
Will eventually come running back
And anything and everything of what I lack
It will soon come running back

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