Betrayed by Forever | Teen Ink

Betrayed by Forever

June 15, 2010
By rockerchick4christ GOLD, Lake, Mississippi
rockerchick4christ GOLD, Lake, Mississippi
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've never told a lie, and that makes me a liar. I've never made a bet, but we gamble with desire. I've never lit a match with intent to start a fire, but recently the flames are getting out of control." Lyrics from an All Time Low song. :D

There's no salvation
in this darkened place
This moment in time
is what I betray
Don't ask about tomorrow
I live for today
If I can't get out
forever, I'll stay
Forget about my past
for my sins, I will pay
It will always haunt me
there's no time to play
Don't judge me now
listen to what I say
I'll get through this
my demons, I'll slay
Forever is over
bring on a new day

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