Black Hole | Teen Ink

Black Hole

June 19, 2010
By Thornedheart GOLD, Manvel, Texas
Thornedheart GOLD, Manvel, Texas
19 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
What if im not the hero... What if im the bad guy?

The dust swirls and glistens with a wanting to hear
To come closer and be near
Never shall the light arise in this cruel place
Only hope shall disappear and time will be erased
No authentic people with dreams
Only shattered visions and broken down places
A suicide caught in time not a song or rhyme
Dilemma is sucked up tight
Crime and punishment is a delight
Little demons and creatures form a pitiful fume
This is a place to close you in like a perfume bottle
Trapped and scared, probably dead at the best
Maybe if you’re lucky a choked sense of feeling will be drilling
Darkness caresses you and boxes you in
There is nothing to say only to hold deep within
The only thing you hold near and dear is yourself in this atmosphere
Crying and banging do you no good
Don’t even try to leave, there is nowhere to run
This is where your skin begins to crawl with a feeling of utter commotion
Here you can feel no enjoyable emotion
Sealed and lost to your conscience
No exact left or right to give you a fright
No up or down that turns your head dead
Only a place where you are lost in your own thoughts
Mixed up and choked dry not breathing or telling a lie
Spiritually lost and cast into another realm
Trapped like a turtle in a shell
A spinning living, breathing hell for those who fell off the course of their life
Nothing but a bland land sealed with a mist
There’s no escape so don’t even think, blink, or feel
Here is the deal that will grant you a pill
A red or blue for some clue
Choose wisely or your black hole will consume and doom you
One will set you upright and let you try again
The other will completely suck your soul and feeling within
Don’t think about it too much or you might have a brain freeze
Just trust your heart and you’ll be at ease
Mind boggling corruptions fill your brain
You choose red and blue which send you shriveling through
Choking and coughing are not helping much
It wasn’t the right thing to do so now you’re stuck with a black hole
Your mind slowly turns over and starts to shrink to a little wink
Say goodbye to the light of the day
You’re going to a place that is not easy to fool
There is no more staying cool or time to run
You lost that chance and were even granted another
Too bad you let your feelings get to you
They took over and left you puzzled
Well some things are not good enough so enjoy your rough journey to this new place
It won’t be any fun like a vacation
Only a nation of devastation
A monster under a bed or eyes sparkling red
Entirely lost and don’t know what to do
The choices were all up to you
They sent you swirling into this state of paralyzed luck
And yes of course it was all really abrupt
Keep a tough shell and maybe next time you won’t enter this part of your mind
Cookies and cream are a blurred dream only bashing and lashing will keep you from tasting what you use to
Now you’ll see all the struggles you are put through
Keep you hope buried deep inside and still hold onto that sense of pride
But like I have explained to you nothing will ever be exactly the way it was
Because of your misconceptions and horrible directions
I am banishing you to this place where you will learn to live the right way, like you were suppose to
Goodbye dear friend and hello a new creature that you will become
You will be changed by this fate you are doomed to
My only hope is that you will enter back in this world one day as a new unique one of a kind
I laugh at your mistakes and drool all over your life
You are worth nothing because of the course you have chosen
Hopefully you will arise believing in yourself more and having a better world to explore with galore
I honestly don’t feel sad for you only pained and mistaken
Why did you choose to make your life the way you did
Forbidden and unruly areas were crossed
And well now thanks to all that you have crushed everyone who loved you so much
The last and final thing I can say to you is bring yourself up as a better person next time
Black hole is now a part of your soul which will eventually eat you away and leave you to decay

The author's comments:
My inner emotions brought me to write this poem. I was in a sense of depression and this poem was my way to express exactly what i was going through. It helped me to unleash my feelings with flaming fury on the page.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 17 2010 at 11:10 am
MairGwyn PLATINUM, Sterling, Virginia
23 articles 14 photos 35 comments
Whoa, this is probably the longest amazing poem I have ever read. This is great, keep it up, it is honestly really great, just wow! I will read the rest of your work. ^_^

on Jul. 15 2010 at 12:08 am
crubs33 DIAMOND, Lido Beach, New York
58 articles 3 photos 750 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."- Coco Chanel
Life isn't about surviving the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain.

This is really good!! i completely can feel the emotion!!! if you could please rate and comment my work that would be great!! thanks and u r really good dont stop!!!