Just Crazt | Teen Ink

Just Crazt

June 11, 2010
By wells BRONZE, Nipomo, California
wells BRONZE, Nipomo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody has a fantasy and each one varies. I would want to be a crazy old man. I would start off by doing little things like washing my cloths in the the kitchen sink and then drying them in the oven. Then i would make it look worse by ordering food and saying i don't like it because it taste like computer ink. This would be the most fun because I could get away with anything, and people would defend me by saying it's okay he's just crazy. I would be as free as a bird. I would drive through the drive through backwards and people would say it's okay he's just crazy. I could literally give my 6 year old grandson a box and say I thought it was a train set, and they all would it's okay, he's just crazy.

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I enjoyed writing it

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