Writing | Teen Ink


June 11, 2010
By GeekyZ BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
GeekyZ BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Writing is when you say a word and a whole story comes to your mind,
Writing is when your pencil breaks and you still have ideas to write.
Writing is where the beauty of paper is met with sharp thoughts and a pen.
If someone were to be bored with nothing to do, you can intriuge them with a good written story.
Writing is where you can have all the facts and love your story to death or you can completely fail and hate it.
Writing takes the fear and pain and sadness from people and gives better more powerful feelings.
It can clear the mind of many people.
Writing is fireworks exploding in your mind when you think of ideas.
Writing can be simple and short like a page, or long and complex like a novel.
If you have a writing contest about writing between you and a friend and he describes it as "blah" but you say "Exciting" who do you think writes more?
Are you a writer or are you not?

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