The Games We Play | Teen Ink

The Games We Play

June 3, 2010
By Ashley Dainas SILVER, Highland Park, Illinois
Ashley Dainas SILVER, Highland Park, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was all just a game,
A grand adventure, the world was mine for the taking.
My spirits soared with untold excitement
As I gambled my life, and yours
Risked it all for the rush of adrenaline,
The beating of our hearts as the crowds roared,
All for the glorious passion of a moment.

I lost.

I wanted it all.
Young and invincible,
Wax wings against a burning sun,
I never knew how far we could fall.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem after seeing the Opera, "Manon". I wanted to capture the mindset of Manon as she gambles away her life and the life of her devoted lover, Des Grieux.

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