" The Deadliest Friend" | Teen Ink

" The Deadliest Friend"

June 5, 2010
By breezeybeachgrl BRONZE, Hauppauge, New York
breezeybeachgrl BRONZE, Hauppauge, New York
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

How can we make sure our voices are heard?
The Deadliest Friend
I’ve been with so many people in your school
For some strange reason, all you kids think I am cool
The way that people talk about me makes you think
Your parents and teachers told you that these things stink.
Soon my smell lures you in
I cast my spell and hope to win
I set my trap and it caught you
Now your whole perfect world has faded to blue.
One time with me is all it takes,
To do all of the trouble I can possibly make
Your decision is what makes the biggest change
I know that this might seem a little strange,
But I pull and I crush and it all fades so very quickly.
Guess who I am?
I am a trick
Not your friend?
I bet you wish you can start all over again
I’m a killer, a backstabber
And this will never change
For I am the one, the one that arranged
Your fate, your life and everything to be
Yes, I’m the one that gets you hooked
That’s me!
I hurt you and everyone who ever cared about you too
I’m the giant, dark, iron wall that blocks every beautiful thing that life ever gave you
Did I mention that you cannot go back too!
It’s just too late because now your life is mine
I block the bright sunshine.
I’m the ultimate destroyer and I work to mess with minds
Can you believe that you were so blind?
You never thought I would take this all away from you and make it mine
Don’t forget, teens are the easiest to get.
What happens now?
I target all of the friends you’ve ever met
Some will be smart and others will be like you
If only everyone understood that the damage I cause is true
I’m not a joke,
I make people choke
Soon you are addicted and there’s a small chance you will stop
For I am the one that makes you feel on top
My chemical wares off and I leave your world black
I’m satisfied because I have attacked!
Time is running out
I almost have full custody of your life and all it was about
How does it feel to be just another stupid teen?
I’m not the one who was mean
You caused your family to cry
They never got a chance to say goodbye.
Together we sent them a lifelong supply of fault, depression, and regret
I was never a joke, this wasn’t a bet
Your loved ones have to feel responsible now
You lost the battle, take a bow.
For the rest of your parent’s lives they will be searching for an answer
They always told you that I would cause death, just like cancer
They will always look for a reason as to why they let you slip through their fingers
You cannot do anything now but linger
Guess who I am?
I am a drug
And you are just another teen that fell for my trick.

The author's comments:
Too many teenagers are getting addicted and ruining their lives.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Aug. 15 2010 at 12:55 pm
breezeybeachgrl BRONZE, Hauppauge, New York
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Thank you

on Aug. 13 2010 at 2:20 pm
CreativeModelSould ELITE, Punta Gorda, Florida
102 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storms to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain."

This was INCREDIBLE!!!! I have never read anything like it.

on Jul. 7 2010 at 8:10 pm
breezeybeachgrl BRONZE, Hauppauge, New York
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Amazing & inspirational!!!!