What Is Beauty? | Teen Ink

What Is Beauty?

May 26, 2010
By taytayxoxo1 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
taytayxoxo1 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A bright orange sun setting over a purple mountian, casting shadows over the treetops.
A day when the fighting stops and there is peace on earth.
The daces od a much missed family, smiling through their tears, as the soldier exits the plane.
This is beauty.

A horse galloping through the waves on a white sandy beach.
The love of a mother as she tenderly takes her child's hand.
A tall evergreen Christmas tree with its white lights and colorful ornaments shining through a family's window.
This is beauty.

The twinkle in an old man's eye as ge lovingly helps his wife with her coat.
A tiny, hopeful ray of sun peeking through the dark clouds after a raging thunderstorm.
The unconditional love that Jesus had for us by surrenduring his life for our sins.
And that is beauty.

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