Aviators | Teen Ink


May 26, 2010
By madeleinep SILVER, Yorktown, Virginia
madeleinep SILVER, Yorktown, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are long forgotten by now;
my first pair of aviators.
With that metal frame you suited my triangular face; you embraced it.
Timeless elegance there you stood; polarized.
Oversized retro fashion; you shielded the radiance that lurked in my eyes
Popular and never out of style; your existence goes on and on for seasons to come
Classy and cool; you knew no one could see where I was looking; only you knew
Unisex and Vintage; you looked fine with any type of clothing I wore
But I know you will never forget that day;
the day when I discovered you
in the towering cabana.

The author's comments:
my aviator sunglasses. they are my favorite(:

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