Salvation | Teen Ink


May 30, 2010
By ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
ChelseaSinclair SILVER, Smithtown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your eyes stay fixated within fictitious magic.
The tickle of elongated lashes,
as they oscillate through the pitch of eternal black.
The approaching dawn wouldn’t dare interfere.
Yearning for another sunset,

But during this ultimate paralyze,
Thoughts roam untamed.
As if tangled within the densest forests,
Trapped and camouflaged within the complexity of the mind.
Exposed to menacing pray,
Their desires to attack,
With no desire to reconcile,
They’ve chosen you as their candidate

Remain aware that these surrounding weeds have thorns;
One brush against them will expose the venom lingering within.
It mixes with your ruby blood and you are now one.
Each day forward is one day closer to the final demise.

And although the wound may have healed,
The tainted scar is not immune.
You slither on the imprinted blood left behind,
That was once denied helplessly by these manipulative weeds.
You now intend to strike on another.
As slowly and painfully as it can get.

As the sun crept towards its summit,
The warmth of it’s rays are mixed with your ruby blood.
Those serpents are now abandoned with the disappearing darkness.
Praise salvation.

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