Today. | Teen Ink


May 23, 2010
By missmaddy BRONZE, Fraser, Colorado
missmaddy BRONZE, Fraser, Colorado
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

If I was to die today.
I would be happy.
You think of me how you may.
Think I do wrong,
how I prolong,
things that shouldn't last,
but caring what you think is in my past,
where it should be.
I am who I am.
Only me.
My hand gets caught in the doorjam.
I'm stuck.
Here for now,
with this havoc,
but I vow,
that it will not be forever.
My smile will be a brightner,
in the darkest of dark,
I'll light the way through the sad,
And the bad.
So you make it through another day.
Not caring what others say.

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