Soothing Flames | Teen Ink

Soothing Flames

May 11, 2010
By Anonymous

It's out of my grasp. I have no words.
My body is shaking,add fuel to my fire
Threw the match in the forest. Let it burn wildly.
Water can't help, burn all of it down. All of it.
You too. You're too close. The heat grazes your skin.
You ran, but you can't beat Mother Nature.
Calm, yet so furious. Beautiful, but deadly.
those aggresive red flames. Yelling yellows, mellow oranges.
That lingery smell catches you in your throat. You begain to choke.
Your pace grows slower. That crisp sound. That's laughter at your stupidity.
Your weakness. My flames. Caught. You fought a lost battle.
I smiled. You die.

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