My Salvation | Teen Ink

My Salvation

May 12, 2010
By Anonymous

She waited for your love in hope,
That yours would come again,
And make her feel the things she felt,
When you's were one back then.

But time and distance have erased,
The things she wished anew,
and now she finds herself alone,
Even though she's with you.

What good is love that does not touch?
What good is love that gives you pain?
What good is love that makes you run?
And makes you scream out in vain?

She travelled to another world,
Out far beyond the one she knew,
She thought taht she could live again,
And now she finds she's back with you.

But what of hearts that beat as one?
and what of passion and embrace?
Is it to much to ask of you;
To make these tears of mine erase?

Too painful this - to journey back,
To times of love and laugter,
the times we lay together, with
a sense of you, a sense of me.

So now, i journey alone,
Forever wondering in my thoughts,
and i shall ask you once again,
what good is love?

The author's comments:
This poem is just about two people extremely close to me and i how i percieve their 'love'

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