India or Siam | Teen Ink

India or Siam

April 25, 2010
By IzzyStarr SILVER, Hollis, New Hampshire
IzzyStarr SILVER, Hollis, New Hampshire
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

My fantasy vacation would be
To travel to some far away land.
India perhaps, or maybe Siam.
I’d travel around, camera in hand.
My fingers poised over the button,
Ready to capture all who come in my path.

I travel around
Searching high and low
For interesting ideas and facts
And asking those I meet
To tell me of themselves and their culture.

My feet might ache, dust in my face
Broken sandals as I finish my stroll
Around the place I long to see.
I’d experience a day in the life of the common man,
The way they live in India or Siam.

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