God's World | Teen Ink

God's World

April 13, 2010
By _some_kid_ BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
_some_kid_ BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

God's world
god's dream
This is a goldy theme

But who cares
Many already decided
Many already tried it
& yet we all try and deny it!

Or maybe for those that riot
Riot for our king
Or maybe for that loved one we call king

But our savior is here
With his head pointed torward in the sky
Not asking why
But just crying
Seeing the place we call home
Disgusted & not worth it

But then still we wonder why
Brother, sister, mother all gone
Just you
All alone
Left in whatever place you call home

so how delerious must we all be
to not not understand the moral theme
love & die
love & try
but i know one person who still knows why

here i write
to serious to be a joke
& to serious to be a quote

Jesus is here
ready to conquer any fear!

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