fun with fire works | Teen Ink

fun with fire works

April 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Slept at grandma’s house last night,
Still in Bernalillo with her
I was in the back trailer room alone.
Air blowing against me, sitting on the coach,
Drinking soda in hot summer air
Everyone in the house but me
My aunt taking a shower,
Grandma at the casino,
And Cousin Frankie on the play station,
Or so I thought....
Not expecting anything to happen.
10:00 o’ clock at night came
Quiet and still in the back trailer
Then all of a sudden
POP!!! POP!!!!
Jumped right away
Terrified, I wondered what that was.
In the corner of the room was a bat,
I looked but didn’t grab it
Walked to the door,
Finally I opened the door but all I saw was,
Flashing lights being thrown at me!!!!
Finally it stop I realized that it was Frank.
Ran towards my cousin,
My aunt ran out to see what was going on.
Immediately she new,
Frank had thrown fire crackers at me.
Once grandma got home from the casino,
Everyone finally went to sleep.
After me almost getting killed by my cousin.

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