Ode to the Frog | Teen Ink

Ode to the Frog

April 16, 2010
By LoveJesus BRONZE, Ashland, Oregon
LoveJesus BRONZE, Ashland, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

You, the frog
You are a great warrior
Hiding in the grass
Your a predator ready to pounce
Upon his prey

You are a
Jagged arrow
Who shot through the grass
By your legs as mighty
As a horses legs

You are a dart
Of green
A blade that sticks
His prey.
From where did you learn your tactics?

A color changing chameleon
Hiding and ready
To besiege
The castle

Yet, at the same time
A slippery
Gentleman from the green world
Where did such a handsome creature come from?

Tis you Sir Frogsalot
Brave and handsome
Valiant knight of

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Aver said...
on Aug. 19 2016 at 1:27 am
Your poetic style and creative thought are really great. I would totally love this if your spelling flub and forgotten apostrophe had not kicked me in the face.