Your Wish | Teen Ink

Your Wish

April 11, 2010
By Peanut BRONZE, Commack, New York
Peanut BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't Kill A Mockingbird"

If all your wishes came true, what would they be?
Money, fame, or have celebrities hang with you?
But all these things were to suddenly come true
What would your world be like?
Should all my wishes come true
There would be no need to wish anymore
No more asking for money from parents
Nor needing to lift a finger working
I would just think of it and it would come true
I would look up at the dark sky
And see a star falling to the ground
I would think of it as a wonderful sight
But no need for me to wish on it
For all my wishes will have already come true
If I ever walk by a wishing well
Or pass by a fountain where you throw in a coin
No coin of mine shall ever go in
For all my wishes will have come true
So think of those wishes you want so much
And how you think life will be happier with them
But ask yourself this question
What would your world be like if all your wishes came true?

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