Porcelain faces | Teen Ink

Porcelain faces

March 31, 2010
By Syren SILVER, Wellington, Florida
Syren SILVER, Wellington, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Suddenly she understood! She sees it in the eyes infront of her- This is the very moment she realizes that she is close to the killer."
Close to a Killer by MArsha Qualey

Cold and hard,
Dead and smiling,
Pinted emotions,
Fragile glass with mocking eyes,
You watch in horror as they come alive,
Eerie places, laughing faces,
tiny footstps cross the hall,
Silent laughing while your thrashing,
and try to scrambl towards the door,
Cold hands like ice against your skin,
They grin and cuckle as they pull you in

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